Soul Song Sessions
1 hour Session & Music Recording
Service Description
Soul Song Sessions - Bringing You Into Harmony with Your Soul's True Song. (Includes a one hour 1-1 session with myself for either Reiki or Holistic Counselling and a personalized Soul Song recording and download.) Using the modality of Reiki, combined with my intuitive, empathic and musical abilities, I have created a service which I have named, Soul Song Sessions. Before our scheduled appointment, with the permission from the client, I use distance Reiki to energetically connect with the client while sitting at my piano. Because of my clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities, I am able to pick up on the vibration and frequency of the client at a soul level, which I then translate musically through a piano song, which I compose uniquely for each client. Each song is approximately between 4 to 12 mins long and is composed and recorded on the spot using my digital Yamaha piano. A recording is taken of the client's Soul Song and is then shared with the client during our in-person, 1 Hour Holistic Counselling or Reiki session together. The client's Soul Song is played during our scheduled session. A Soul Song's melody, rhythm, key, harmony and dissonance will often evoke feelings, emotions, sensations, images, or sounds for the client, bringing into awareness what their mind, body and soul is needing or also wanting to release. This modality is especially effective for those that may be repressing emotions/feelings, or thoughts about past experiences that their subconscious is wanting to bring into awareness, so they can be identified, dealt with and released. Music holds a frequency and vibration that can often help people's energy to shift, especially energy that has not been able to shift through conventional talk therapy alone. Therefore, during our 1-1 session, we will use your Soul Song to empower you to bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. A download of the client's Soul Song is shared with the client after our session so the client can continue to listen to their unique Soul Song, to meditate with, use for clarity, peace or calming, to help balance the mind, body and spirit and/or for further insight and healing. Click the audio links, on the Sound Healing page, to hear a sample of some Soul Song's I have composed for myself or for others. Please contact me if you would like further information about these sessions. Shannon Phillips BSW, RSW 403 477-0801