Animal Communication Reading - 1 Hour
Giving your pet a voice.
Service Description
In-Person Sessions will be offered if it is safe to do so and if it's in the best interest of your animal. If not, a Distance Session will be offered via zoom or telephone. In-Person Sessions: After you’ve given your consent, I begin by asking your animal’s Higher Self for permission to communicate with me. After receiving permission, I will then connect with your animal through our sacred heart space, and will observe and listen through all my senses and intuition to receive the messages they wish to communicate. After the session, I will verbally provide you with a summary of all the thoughts, images, words, sounds, tastes, smells, and insights that come through the intercellular communication with your animal and answer any questions you have. There will be an additional charge for travel if your home or the mutually agreed upon meeting place is over 15km from my home in SE Calgary. Distance Sessions: Intercellular communication is exchanged energetically therefore, Animal Communication Sessions can be done from a distance. Before the session, you are welcome to share the following: 1. A photo of your animal (optional) 2. Any questions, concerns, or insights you have about your animal 3. Your intention for the animal communication session Before the session I require you to: 1. Communicate verbally or nonverbally to your animal that I will be connecting with them 2. To choose a session day/time for your animal when they are relaxed and calm. Sessions can be done via zoom or phone.

Contact Details
(403) 477-0801